Learning resources

The pluralistic and diverse nature of Indian society definitely makes a strong case for preparing not only a variety of textbooks, but also other materials which children can use, enjoy and learn. Teacher with her experience and planning may use many learning materials for designing effective learning experiences in transaction of concepts applying various approaches and strategies. Students feel a sense of ownership to their learning when it is related to their own experiences. Moreover, a stimulated environment of learning physical science demands many resources of learning. All these materials may not be available in the school. In such a situation the teacher may have to fall back upon resources available in the community. There are a number of community resources that can be used for facilitating the learners in the construction of knowledge of physical science and to find the relevance and meaningfulness of this knowledge in the context of the world beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Uses of some resources which are used in physical science

In fact many learning opportunities are available in the school ground/ classroom/ kitchen/ bathroom/ market on the road itself. Outside the classroom, experiences of the learners can be used in teaching learning of science to provide them first hand experience for enhance learning and a sense of of appreciation to the environment. It may consist of a wide range of materials.
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Q.What are learning resources? Suggest measures for the identification and uses of some of the learning resources used in physical science.