At the school level, you must have noticed that the learner learns concepts differently. Some of the learners learn concepts quickly and others slowly. For example, take the case of drawing of a diagram of a flower or a plant. Why do you think there is some kind of variation in learning? Further, you might have observed certain variations in their handwriting or scholastic achievement in school subjects. What may be the reasons for such varied responses? It may be difficult to give an acceptable answer. This is because of there are two obvious causes. They are:
i)             Heredity
ii)            Environment

Heredity is the sum total of the traits potentially present in the fertilized ovum. All the qualities that a child has inherited from the parents is called heredity.
The union of male and female germ cells causes fertilization of the ovum. The fertilized egg is known as zygote. Each chromosome contains numbers genes. The genes are responsible for the development of particular traits.

Definitions of Heredity:

According to R.S. Woodworth “Heredity covers all the factors that are present in the individual when he begins life not at birth, but at the time of conception about nine months before birth.”

According to James Drever “Heredity is the transmission from parents to offspring’s of physical and mental characteristics.”

According to Ruth Bandict “Heredity is transmission of traits from parents to offspring.”

According to H.A. Paterson “Heredity may be defined as what one gets from his ancestral stock through his parents.”

According to O.B. Douglas and B.F. Holland “One’s heredity consists of all the structures, physical characteristics, functions or capacities derived from parents, other ancestry or species.”

According to J.A. Thomson “Heredity is mainly a convenient term for the genetic relation between successive generations.”

According P. Gisburt “Every act of generation in nature is the transmission by the parents to their off-spring of certain characteristics biological or psychological. The complex of the characteristics thus transmitted is known by the name of heredity”.


Environment means the totality of the stimuli that impinge on the organism from without whatever found around the individual may be called by the term environment. Environment consists of various types of forces like physical, social, moral, economical, political cultural and emotional forces. A favorable environment caters to the development of native abilities of a child.

 Definition of environment:

According to Anastaxi “The environment is everything that affects the individual except his genes”.

According to Douglas and Holland  “the term environment is the aggregate of all the external forces, influences and conditions, which affect the life, nature, behaviour, the growth, and development and maturation of living organisms”. 

According to Gilbert “environment is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on it”


Heredity is defined as the totality of biologically transmitted factors that influence the structure of the body and environment is the totality of conditions that serve to stimulate behaviour or act to bring about modification of behaviour. Both heredity and environment are important in the life of an individual; both are the determinants of development.

According to ROSS, the action of these factors in determining the level of an individual’s biological, psychological and social development is sometimes expressed in the following formula:
                                           H X E X T = DL
i.e. Heredity X Environment X Time = Development level of an individual personality.
This formula implies the fact that it is meaningless to speak of either heredity or environment, acting alone. Both are necessary for the development that takes place in an individual.

 Heredity works only in some sort of environment. Without environment, it is useless and environment without heredity means nothing. It means both are very important in the life of the individual. Heredity gives us the body, structure, complexion or features etc., and the environment provides the opportunities to develop them.

Landis and Landis remarked that “heredity gives us capacities to be developed but opportunities for the development of these capacities must come from the environment”.

According to Woodworth, both are equally essential in the growth and development of the child.

Individual is the result of multiplication between heredity and environment. Individual is represented by the area of a rectangle, where as heredity is the base and environment is the height. Area of rectangle does not depend merely upon the base or height, it depends on both. Similarly, individual is a result of heredity and environment. The development of hereditary potentialities is a matter of environment.
                       A = b x h
Heredity and environment cannot act in isolation. Every individual possess heredity, these traits develop on an environment for their nourishment.
Murphy has rightly pointed out, “heredity is known only by the liberation of heredity potentials through specific environmental forces and what is liberated is as much as function of the environment pressures as it is of the latent or potential deposition”.


The knowledge of both the factors will help the teacher in finding out the individual differences among his students in learning either Mathematics or English as well as in adjusting his teaching methods and techniques accordingly, like project method and communicative teaching techniques. The knowledge of heredity and environment is very much essential for a teacher in dealing with all kinds of exceptional children including gifted, normal, below average, and problem children, and first generation learners including educationally backward children.

  1. The background of the learner: previous knowledge, intelligence, family background, lack of interest, aptitude and attitude play an important role. Some students who lag behind in some do better in the other area of achievement. Hence teacher must provide a congenial atmosphere for the students and treat them equally. The teacher must motivate them to adjust with the environment.
  2. There are individuals who deviate from the norms of group due to many factors. Hence the classroom teacher should try to have the desired knowledge of the abilities, capacity, interests, and attitudes, aptitudes and other personality traits of his/her pupils and in the light of this knowledge he/she should render individual guidance for the maximum utilization of their potentialities.
  3. Different methods of teaching must be adopted in the classroom. This helps in catering to the needs of different individuals according to their interest and understanding level.
  4. The school must be the place for personality development. The school should organized programmes on leadership group dynamics, keeping background the heredity and environment of the learner.
  5. Every school must have a guidance and counselling center.